Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mark Speaks!

                This week we sent a survey to the majority of the student body on their opinions on gender neutral housing using Randomness, Helpme and Carpe. People would’ve gotten upset with us if we had spammed their inboxes with all student emails.
                Anyway, the results of the survey we very encouraging with about a fourth of the student body responding. The lure of another way to procrastinate was probably the reason for this. 90 percent of those who responded thought students were responsible enough to room with someone of the opposite gender. About 2/3 of students thought gender shouldn’t be the primary reason for people being chosen to spend the better part of a year living together. Finally, very few students had someone in mind they wanted to room with of the opposite gender, about an eighth.
The second part of the survey was asking for opinions on gender neutral rooms. As many of us are training to become engineers, I’ll show the raw data from that part below:
Strongly against:               3%
Against:                           13%
Neutral:                           26%
For:                                 36%
            Strongly for:                     21%
                Interestingly, there are more students strongly for this to be an option than there are against it in any form. Furthermore, more of the students are for the idea and the vast majority would accept it according to this survey. From here, this data gives us more information for our next step. A section of it also was available for comments and the problems people brought up, we had already addressed.

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